以下摘錄Randy Pausch的書The Last Lecture裡的時間管理小技巧


Time must be explicitly managed, like money.

Urging students not to invest time on irrelevant details. e.g. polish the underside of the banister*.

*explicitly 明確地

*banister 欄桿;樓梯扶手

You can always change your plan, but only if you have one.

I'm a big beliver in to-do lists. It helps us break life into small steps.

Ask yourself: Are you spending your time on the right thing?

You may have causes, goals, interests. Are they even worth pursuing? e.g. a smoking pregnant woman protest the sound of jackhammers was injuring her unborn child

Develop a good filing system.

I want to have a place in the house we could file everything in alphabetical order. (saving time for search stuff)

Rethink the telephone.

I live in a culture where I spend a lot of time on hold, listening to "Your call is very important to us."  Yeah, right. (才怪)

I make sure I am never on hold with a phone against my ear. I always use a speaker phone, so my hands are free to do something else.


It's never too early to delegate.

Take a time out. 

It's not a real vacation if you're reading email or calling in for messages.


Randy Pausch - The Last Lecture p.108-111


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