Larry Smith講話嚴肅、冷面笑匠,聽得出來他對大家「為什麼你辦法有偉大的事業」的原因有熱情,這篇內容sarcastic and true是我很喜歡的TED Talks 分享給打算年後轉職的大家!
Those trying to have good careers are going to fail, because, really, good jobs are now disappearing. There are great jobs and great careers, and then there are the high-workload, high-stress, bloodsucking, soul-destroying kinds of jobs, and practically nothing in-between.
那些想要有好的事業都會失敗, 因為,實際上,好的工作機會正在逐漸消失。 有一些很好的就業機會和偉大的事業, 然後還有另一些是高工作量、 高壓力, 吸血的,毀滅靈魂的工作, 兩者之間幾乎不存在其他類型的了。
If you work hard and have a good career, if you work really, really, really hard, you'll have a great career. Doesn't that, like, mathematically make sense?" Hmm. Not. But you've managed to talk yourself into that.
如果你努力工作 有良好的職業,如果你工作真的,真的,真的很努力, 你就會有偉大的事業。這不就是像 數學一樣的合理嗎?" 呃...。 錯。(笑聲) 但你已經設法說服自己去相信。
You know what? Here's a little secret: You want to work? You want to work really, really, really hard? You know what? You'll succeed. The world will give you the opportunity to work really, really, really, really hard. But, are you so sure that that's going to give you a great career, when all the evidence is to the contrary?
你知道嗎?這裡有一個小秘密。 您想要工作嗎?您真的,真的,想要很認真地工作嗎? 你知道嗎?你將會成功。這個世界會給你 一個機會去真的,真的,真的,真的很認真地工作, 但是你真的相信, 這樣就會帶給你 一個偉大的職業生涯嗎? 當所有的證據都是指向相反的結論?
Passion is your greatest love. Passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your talent. Passion, interest -- it's not the same thing. Are you really going to go to your sweetie and say,"Marry me! You're interesting.Won't happen. Won't happen, and you will die alone.
熱情是你的最愛。 熱情是能夠幫你建立 你的天份的最高表現。 熱情、 興趣 — — 這兩個不是同一碼事。你會跑去跟你心愛的人說 "嫁給我吧 !我對你有興趣。"這不會成功的。這不會成功的,你將會孤獨地死去的。
★即使你找到有熱情的事情,你還是會失敗!!! 為什麼勒? 因為你還會發明新的藉口,像是重視人際關係、家庭勝於追求自我;把人際關係當成逃避的藉口,把家人當成困住你的人,這樣你就不用追求你的夢想,也就不會失敗了,除非…
You're going to fail, because -- because you're not going to do it, because you will have invented a new excuse, any excuse to fail to take action, and this excuse, I've heard so many times: "Yes, I would pursue a great career, but, I value human relationships -- more than accomplishment. I want to be a great friend. I want to be a great spouse. I want to be a great parent, and I will not sacrifice them on the altar of great accomplishment."
你會失敗,因為, 因為你不會去做, 因為你會發明新的藉口, 任何可以不去做的藉口,而這種藉口 我已經聽了很多次。 "是的,我原本想追求偉大的事業,但我認為 人際關係比個人成就更有價值 我想要當個好朋友。我想要當個好的配偶。 我想成為一個好的家長,我不打算犧牲這些 來換取偉大的成就。"
Says your kid, "I have decided I want to be a magician. I want to perform magic tricks on the stage." And what do you say? You say, you say, "That's risky, kid. Might fail, kid. Don't make a lot of money at that, kid. I don't know, kid, you should think about that again, kid. You're so good at math, why don't you --"
你的孩子說,"我已經決定 我想要當一個魔術師。 我想要在舞臺上表演魔術。"那你會說什麼呢? 你說,你說, "嗯......這有點不保險啊,孩子。 可能會失敗啊,孩子。這賺不了錢的,孩子, 你知道的,我不知道耶,孩子, 您應該再考慮考慮,孩子, 你是那麼擅長數學,你為什麼不 — —"
The kid interrupts you and says, "But it is my dream. It is my dream to do this." And what are you going to say? You know what you're going to say? "Look kid. I had a dream once, too, but -- But --" So how are you going to finish the sentence with your "but"? "But. I had a dream too, once, kid, but I was afraid to pursue it." Or are you going to tell him this: "I had a dream once, kid. But then, you were born."
這時候孩子打斷了你,並說, "但這是我的夢想。我一直夢想要做這個。" 那你接著要說什麼? 你知道你要說的嗎? "孩子啊。我也有過夢想,但是 — — 但。" 你打算如何講完這句話呢? "...但是。我也曾有過一個夢想,但我不敢去追求它。" 或者,你會這樣跟他說嗎? "我曾有一個夢想,孩子。 但後來你出生了...。(笑聲)
You're afraid to pursue your passion. You're afraid to look ridiculous. You're afraid to try. You're afraid you may fail. Great friend, great spouse, great parent, great career. Is that not a package? Is that not who you are? How can you be one without the other? But you're afraid.
你害怕追求你的熱情。 你害怕被別人取笑 你不敢嘗試。你害怕你可能會失敗。 很好的朋友,偉大的配偶,偉大的父母,偉大的事業。 這不是一個整體嗎?這不就是你這個人嗎? 你怎麼能只選擇其中之一而放棄其他的? 但你害怕。
Unless 除非…
延伸閱讀:五種工作與一種怠惰 job career occupation profession vocation indolence http://mosideology.pixnet.net/blog/post/164581863
TED Talks:https://www.ted.com/talks/larry_smith_why_you_will_fail_to_have_a_great_career