Eve Ensler引導大家去想像有一組細胞叫女孩細胞(girl cell),同時存在於男人與女人身上,是慈悲的、有同理心的、熱情的、敏感柔弱的、開放的、情感強烈的,但過去父權統治的社會用各種手段去壓迫它們,讓我們覺得這些被認為是女性特質的情緒是不好的。

各種對待女生的暴力:強暴、醃割、販賣或讓她成為文盲等,處處在掠奪女孩的生命自主權,而男人也沒有比較好過,Eve Ensler在科索沃她看見一個男人崩潰了,選擇用子彈代替他的眼淚;這個世界教導男生、男人、女人的方式就是就是不要成為一個女孩,別那麼情緒化或愛哭、要堅強、要跟溫柔的女情感保持距離時,這些抹殺女孩細胞的文化,卻造成這個世界越來越暴力。

Eve Ensler: 「I actually think that being a girl is so powerful that we've had to train everyone not to be that.」


What I want to talk about today is this particular cell, or grouping of cells, that is in each and every one of us. And I want to call it the girl cell. And it's in men as well as in women. I want you to imagine that this particular grouping of cells is central to the evolution of our species and the continuation of the human race. 

今天我想要說的是 這個特別的細胞 或稱之為一組細胞,這個存在我們每一個人身上的細胞 而我想要稱它為女孩細胞 這個細胞同樣的存在於男人與女人身上 我想你去想像這一組特別的細胞 是我們物種演化的重心 以及人類存續的核心 

And I want you imagine that at some point in history a group of powerful people invested in owning and controlling the world understood that the suppression of this particular cell, the oppression of these cells, the reinterpretation of these cells, the undermining of these cells, getting us to believe in the weakness of these cells and the crushing, eradicating, destroying, reducing these cells, basically began the process of killing off the girl cell, which was, by the way, patriarchy

然後我想你再想像我們歷史上的某一時期 有一群強悍的人設法擁有並控制整個世界 知道要強行鎮壓這個特別的細胞 壓迫它們 重新解讀它們 暗中破壞它們 讓我們以為它們是脆弱的 然後去破壞、根絕、消滅 減少它們 並開始進行殺死這些女孩細胞的程序 因而造就了目前父權統治的社會 

I want you to imagine that the girl is a chip in the huge macrocosm of collective consciousness. And it is essential to balance, to wisdom and to actually the future of all of us. And then I want you to imagine that this girl cell is compassion, and it's empathy, and it's passion itself, and it's vulnerability, and it's openness, and it's intensity, and it's association, and it's relationship, and it is intuitive

我想你去想像這個女孩是一個晶片 存在於這個廣大宇宙的集體意識裡 晶片本質上是讓我們每一個人能去平衡, 去智化 以及去實現我們所有人的未來 然後我想你去想像這個女孩細胞 是慈悲的 是有同理心的、本身是熱情的 是易感柔弱的 是開放的、是情感強烈的 能有伙伴關係與人際關係的 而且是有直覺力的 


I think the whole world has essentially been brought up not to be a girl.
How do we bring up boys? What does it mean to be a boy?
To be a boy really means not to be a girl.
To be a man means not to be a girl.
To be a woman means not to be a girl.
To be strong means not to be a girl.
To be a leader means not to be a girl.
☆I actually think that being a girl is so powerful that we've had to train everyone not to be that.

我想整個世界基本上 就是要讓我們不要成為一個女孩
我們如何教導男生們? 成為一個男生應該怎樣?
☆我卻認為 成為一個女生是多麼的有力量 我們得訓練大家不要變成一個女孩


I know that we have systematically annihilated the girl cell. And I want to say we've annihilated it in men as well as in women. And I think in some ways we've been much harsher to men in the annihilation of their girl cell. (Applause) I see how boys have been brought up, and I see this across the planet: to be tough, to be hardened, to distance themselves from their tenderness, to not cry. I actually realized once in Kosovo, when I watched a man break down, that bullets are actually hardened tears, that when we don't allow men to have their girl self and have their vulnerability, and have their compassion, and have their hearts, that they become hardened and hurtful and violent.

我知道我們有系統的在消滅這個女孩細胞 而我要說我們不僅消滅了男人的女孩細胞,同時也消滅了女人的女孩細胞 而在某方面來說 這一點我們更嚴苛的要求男人 去消滅掉他們的女孩細胞 (鼓掌) 我看到了男孩是如何的被帶大,而我看到了全世界都是如此 要強硬、要堅強 要他們跟自己的柔弱情感保持距離,不許哭 有一次在科索沃 當我看到一個男人崩潰 而子彈就是他硬化了的眼淚 而當我們不准許男人展現他們的女性特質 他們的柔弱與他們的慈悲 以及他們的心懷時, 都會令他們變得 強硬, 具傷害性以及暴力


★在台灣男女雖然不到平等,但至少比talk中提到的某些國家,女孩14歲就被逼嫁人,而且是被拿去跟牛做交換,女性的外部還會被割掉… 這些女孩不識字,所以也無法自立生活,有個勇敢的女性愛格妮絲正在努力改變這些被剝奪的女生的命運;相較之下生在台灣真的是很幸福了,希望大家能更加珍惜現在

★小編對性別沒有太多的刻板印象,我覺得真正man的人,要能接受自己的girl cell,對不知道的事就說不知道,迷路敢開口問路,難過的時候允許自己悲傷、哭泣、跟伴侶朋友商量,平等的互相對待;接受自己各種情緒的人,才是一個完整的人

★同性戀同樣會跟girl cell有關,把女性化一點的人貼上gay的標籤,或把gay都貼上女性化的標籤,但性別特質跟性向並非正相關,怕被貼上同志標籤的會更加排斥女性化特質,或打壓同性戀讓自己的性向不被發現;這種害怕被貼標籤的男人沒有比較man,是對自己性別特質、性向沒有足夠的安全感的霸凌者

延伸閱讀:抵制同性戀? 研究:激烈反對者或有潛在同性戀傾向 http://mosideology.pixnet.net/blog/post/151283619

TED Talks:https://www.ted.com/talks/eve_ensler_embrace_your_inner_girl


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