體重決定於吃多少食物 & 消耗多少能量,但飢餓感與能量消耗是由大腦(無意識)控制的,大腦對體重有一個”固定”值,約5~7公斤的標範,體重掉出這個範圍(超過10%),大腦會覺得在挨餓,會讓新陳代謝率下降,而且會想辦盡辦法補回到這個體重範圍,所以節食完後,很多人的體重又回復了(就像熊冬眠);學習吃的留心一點,飽了就停,很多時候體重的增加,是因為明明不餓還一直吃
Three and a half years ago, I made one of the best decisions of my life. As my New Year's resolution, I gave up dieting, stopped worrying about my weight, and learned to eat mindfully. Now I eat whenever I'm hungry, and I've lost 10 pounds.
※ New Year's resolution 新年決心
※ eat mindfully 吃東西留心一點
★很明顯,體重取決於 “吃多少食物”和“消耗多少能量” 很明顯,體重取決於 “吃多少食物”和“消耗多少能量” 而大多數人沒有意識到, 飢餓感和能量的消耗,是由大腦控制的。
Obviously, how much you weigh depends on how much you eat and how much energy you burn. What most people don't realize is that hunger and energy use are controlled by the brain, mostly without your awareness.
★從進化的角度來說, 身體對於”減肥“的抵抗性是有理由的。 因為我們的祖先, 在食物匱乏的時候必須節約體能, 因為我們的祖先, 在食物匱乏的時候必須節約體能, 而在食物充沛時儘快補回失去的分量, 才能抵禦下一次饑荒。
From an evolutionary perspective, your body's resistance to weight loss makes sense. When food was scarce, our ancestors' survival depended on conserving energy, and regaining the weight when food was available would have protected them against the next shortage.
★縱觀歷史, 食物短缺一直比超重要嚴重得多。 食物短缺一直比超重要嚴重得多。 這解釋了一個令人難過的事實: 體重的”固定值“可能上升, 但幾乎不會下降。
Over the course of human history, starvation has been a much bigger problem than overeating. This may explain a very sad fact: Set points can go up, but they rarely go down. Now, if your mother ever mentioned that life is not fair, this is the kind of thing she was talking about.
※ starvation 饑餓
※ overeating 進食過量
★ 四個健康的習慣:吃足夠的蔬菜水果、一週運動三次,不抽菸,喝酒要適量
This is a study that looked at the risk of death over a 14-year period based on four healthy habits: eating enough fruits and vegetables, exercise three times a week, not smoking, and drinking in moderation.
★吃東西留心一點: 試著觀察自己身體的信號, 餓了就吃,飽了就停, 餓了就吃,飽了就停, 因為很多時候體重的增加 是因為明明不餓還要吃
I'm talking about mindful eating: learning to understand your body's signals so that you eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full, because a lot of weight gain boils down to eating when you're not hungry.
TED Talks https://www.ted.com/talks/sandra_aamodt_why_dieting_doesn_t_usually_work
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