如果台灣的新聞媒體讓我們心情不好,就轉台或做別的事,別重複看負面的消息,來看看Arianna的畢業演說吧!本篇將哈芬頓郵報總編輯Arianna Huffington 2013年在史密斯學院的畢業演說分成12個重點,摘要如下:
成功不只有錢跟權,衡量成功的標準還有well-being, wonder 跟wisdom,演講中提醒女生不要靠嫁人攀上頂點,而是一路「睡」到頂點,唯一能隨睡眠不足而好轉的是「魔法思惟」跟迷信;當我們陷入負面情緒時,隨時可以轉台,別重複看那部爛片;不要買帳社會所定義的成功,它不適用於每個人;擁有高智商、高學位的政治、媒體、商業界領導者做出了許多糟透的決定,缺少的不是智商IQ而是智慧Wisdom;追求財富、成功的指示牌很多,但別忘了更重要的「初心」
Arianna Huffington's 2013 Smith College Commencement Address
Part of life after Smith will be deciding what things do you want to put your energy into, and what things you don't.
It was a big revelation* for me when I realized that I didn't have to complete everything I thought I wanted to do, like learning German, or becoming a good skier, or learning to cook. Indeed, I realized* that you can complete a project by dropping it.
*revelation [rɛv!ˋeʃən] 揭露 n. reveal [rɪˋvil] 揭露 v. (拼法不同喔,l前多了個e)
*realize [ˋrɪə͵laɪz] 領悟,了解 v.
Your education at Smith has made it unequivocally* clear that you're entitled to* take your place in the world on equal footing* in every field and at the top of every field. But what I urge* you to do is not just to take your place at the top of the world but to change the world.
*unequivocally [͵ʌnɪˋkwɪvək!ɪ] 毫不含糊地;明確地 adv.
*be entitled to = give a right to 給予權利, 使有資格
*equal footing - 平等的立足點
At the moment, our society's notion* of success is largely composed of two parts: money and power. In fact, success, money, and power have practically become synonymous*. But it's time for a third metric* beyond money and power: one founded on well-being*, wisdom, our ability to wonder and to give back.
*urge - to strongly advise someone to do something 力勸
*notion - 概念;想法;見解 n.
*synonymous - 同義的
*metric - 公尺的 => 這指衡量標準
*well-being 健康
第一個w - well-being
I want to do old Alistair one better, and tell you don't get to the top by marrying someone. A much simpler way is to sleep your way to the top. Right now I imagine President Christ is thinking she probably should have edited this speech. But no, I'm talking about sleep in the literal sense*, because right now the workplace is absolutely fueled* by sleep deprivation* and burnout*.
* in the literal sense - 字面上的意思
* fueled - 刺激 v. ( fuel 燃油 n.)
* deprivation [͵dɛprɪˋveʃən] 剝奪 n.
* burnout 精疲力竭
And that was the beginning of my reacquainting* myself with sleep, and with a need to redefine success to include our own sense of well-being. Because even if sleep deprivation is not affecting your health, it's affecting your creativity, your productivity and your decision-making*.
*reacquainting (re+acquaint) ... with - 重新認識…
*decision-making 決策 n.
And according to researchers at Walter Reed Hospital, the only thing that gets better with sleep deprivation is "magical thinking" and reliance* on superstition*. So for those of you majoring in fortune-telling*, go ahead, and burn the midnight oil*. The rest of you-not so much.
*reliance [rɪˋlaɪəns] 依賴 n.
*superstition [͵supɚˋstɪʃən] 迷信 n.
*fortune-telling 算命
*burn the midnight oil 挑燈夜戰; 開夜車
第二個w - wondor
whenever I'd complain or be upset* about something, she would said to me, "Darling, change the channel. You're in control of the clicker. Don't replay that bad, scary movie."
*upset [ˋʌp͵sɛt] 難過;心煩意亂 n.
第三個w - wisdom 智慧
If you look around you, you see leaders in positions of power in politics, in media, in business, all of them with high IQs, great degrees making terrible decisions. What is missing is not IQ but wisdom.
And today, it's getting harder and harder to tap into our own wisdom, because we are all so hyper-connected* to our devices, our screens, our social media that we're having a hard time disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with ourselves.
* hyper-connected 高度連結
The last element of the third metric of success: empathy, compassion, the willingness to give back.
So as you leave this beautiful campus to follow your dreams, and scale* great heights in whatever field you choose, I beg you, don't buy society's definition of success, because it's not working for anyone.
*scale 攀登v.
And remember that while there will be many sign poles* along your path directing you to make money, and climb up the ladder, there will be very few sign poles reminding you to stay connected to the essence* of who you are, to reach out, to pause to wonder, and to connect to that place from which everything is possible.
*sign poles 指示牌
*essence [ˋɛsns] 本質,實質 n.