有人說學一個語言,要先學該語的髒話,跟大家分享 冰雪奇緣的艾莎跟白雪公主的繞舌(毒舌)戰,裡面好多的形容詞啊~ 

Snow White versus Elsa! Let the rap battle begin!

It’s not lame that my aim here’s to tell you the truth
I’ll hit it out of the park like my name is Babe Ruth (棒球明星)
Got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
The fact that you can’t claim the same is really a shame
I’m the original princess, you’re a copy of a copy
I am porcelain and perfect and your floppy hair is sloppy
I’m fragile but agile, rarely cross
I am sweet, you can tweet, I’m a treat, like a boss

#Hollywood Walk of Fame好萊塢星光大道
#porcelain [ˋpɔrslɪn] 瓷器

floppy vs sloppy 
#floppy 鬆軟的;懶散的 (loose, unstructured, or bendable)
sloppy 邋遢的鬆散的  (sth. messy or dirty)

Who the hell are you to step to me?
An aimless airhead with a vitamin D deficiency
You got no skills ‘cuz you’re focused on your looks
And let’s get to what was up with you and those seven shnooks (Hi, ho!) 
I’ve heard you sing – it’s a high-pitched chirp
You’re dopey.

You’re grumpy.

You’re a bashful twerp.
That squeaky, meek demeanor is an awful choice
I can drown you out right now with my powerful voice

#airhead 腦袋空空如也的傻瓜蛋
#deficiency 缺乏 (皮膚太白->缺乏維生素D)
#dopey 你超級遲鈍;你是糊塗蛋(七矮人的名字)
#grumpy 你個性乖戾;你是愛生氣(七矮人的名字)
#bashful 害羞的,羞怯的
#twerp 笨蛋;討厭傢伙
#squeaky 吱吱叫的
#meek 溫順的
#demeanor 舉動,行為

Um, you should know, that’s not singing, you’re just yelling
At least now I can’t heard the mean lies you’re telling
You could’ve grieved with your sister from the start
But no, you’re the one who’s really got a frozen heart 
You were selfish and deluded when it comes down to it
Had the chance to do better, but like a porn star, you blew it
As for your powers, they’re hardly legit
You built a whole castle with nowhere to sit (一針見血,城堡真的沒地方坐)
Does it really count as magic if when you let it go 
The only thing that moves is ice and snow?
I talk to animals and it always impresses
You’re just a blonde snow-blower in sparkly dresses 

#deluded 受矇騙的;輕信的
#blew it 搞砸了;字面上的意思是吹… (接上句會變18禁,所以BJ4)
#legit 合法的;正當的;正統的
#impresses 給……極深的印象

That’s right, manipulating snow, I’m the best at that game
Which means you’re under my control ‘cuz that’s your stupid name (擅長操縱雪,包括名字有雪的= =+)
And who eats an apple a stranger gives ya? (Duh) (誰會吃陌生人給的蘋果)
And who needs a man to save and kiss ya? 
I’m savvy, strong, single, and so independent
You’re the weakest role model while I am transcendent
You’re a forgotten bygone, yes, time is the cruelest
I’m the newest, the boldest, and literally the coolest
So step aside and hide, go find a cottage to clean
You’re one ditzy princess, I’m a motherf'ing queen (妳是腦袋有x的公主,而我是他x的女皇后,好霸氣!)

#manipulating 操縱
#savvy 有知識的
#role model 榜樣
#transcendent 卓越的
#bygone 過去的
#boldest bold 的最高級->最英勇的
#step aside 站旁邊,跟前面 step to me 呼應
#ditzy 愚笨的

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